Pilatus PC-12 Recurrent Training


(Additional Pilots 50% Each)

Training Syllabus – 2 Day

Ground Course:

  • Aircraft General / Limitations / Performance Charts / Weight & Balance
  • Aircraft Systems and Description
  • Abnormal Conditions / Emergency Procedures / Emergency Checklists
  • Factors in Aeronautical Decision Making

Advance study materials will be sent upon booking. Your home study will enable efficient use of our time together.

Flight Course:

  • Flight Briefing
  • Takeoff and Departure Procedures All Configurations
  • VFR and IFR Airwork
  • VFR Approaches and Landings in All Configurations
  • Abnormal Conditions and Simulated Emergency Procedures
  • IFR Approaches and Landings in All Configurations / Missed Approaches
  • Flight De-Briefing



The training schedule is all about you. Designed to be efficient, your training will be completed in a timely fashion that does not compromise content.  We will cover the syllabus…when, where and how we do it is up to you.  Prior to our scheduled meeting, a Systems Review Test will need to be completed to help facilitate our ground class.

Scheduling varies with each class and number of participants.  Here is a general guide on how many days we will need for your Recurrent Training:

1/2 day flight training: (1) 3-hour flight PER PILOT 

1 day ground class with all participants

Note 1: You will need to complete a home study of the systems and limitations plus complete a Systems Review Test sent with your Training Materials prior to your class date.

Note 2: Additional pilots are welcome to join and observe on training flights.

Insurance Companies Approved…

Many Aviation Insurance Underwriters approve In-Aircraft Recurrent Training on a case by case annual or biannual basis. Please contact your broker as an initial step in understanding your particular requirements; feel free to have your broker reach out if they have any questions info@3greenaviation.com.

Note: 3-Green Aviation, LLC is required to be listed on your Insurance Policy as Additional Insured with a Waiver of Subrogation.

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